Friday, October 24, 2008

LURX signing off

Cx continues: STRONG signals from 22 UTC, but mostly dominants at night. WRRD ! It's time to say goodbye, thanks for sharing your time with us. ((( Let the madness end ))).

Hunting and Berry Picking

The development of rx hardware has proceeded from classic rigs to software defined radios. Each of us has several front-end classic rigs for hunting - we all love DXing with the gambling element included. We also have background sdr's (Perseus, SDR-14) for automated DXing. Thanks to the wideband DX option of Perseus we actually have them "all" waiting on the disks, it just takes approximately 3000 hours to go them all through. So your detailed loggings are highly appreciated for the berry picking (...grin...)

Back to the Business

And we like it ! Fine signals from the Caribbean at night followed by excellent day for DX with stations from SC to CA with nice signal levels. Especially the MN-SD-ND triangle was hot on the dial. Huge amount of work will be needed to solve all the audio puzzles on the disks !

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wadda... Cx Down !

Lowsy night, miserable morning (though WSBT logged), standard afternoon with lots of common GY-stations (KIHH seems to be one of the dominants on 1400 nowadays). It seems that this time we haven't been as lucky as last year. But we still have two days left and ... WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER !


Huge package of signals from Alabama and smaller packages from Lousiana and Mississippi. Should have arrived early last night. Hopefully not missent to Norway. Finders fee.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Gringos have been peed in the eye (=old Finnish proverb)

Earlier we were informed that this particular day should be the beginning of the Super Cx period of the decade. Would you buy a used car from that man: we had strong signals from dominant stations at night followed by mediocre daytime cx. No special hotspot areas noted and only a few interesting stations were found. Some of the picks include WNYY, WXXI, KRIB, KFJB, WLFN, KJOC, WAUR.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

For Sale !

We are selling two hours of first class Florida recordings with superb signals. Files include WQAM, WQBA, WIOD, WAXY, WROD, WMMB and many more. And that's not all ! You'll also get many fine other East Coast stations (RI, NH, etc) and the finest Cubans on the AM band. Satisfaction and FFF-pleasure guaranteed. Make offers fast - we are hungry and tired. For those whom size matters, it's 60Gb.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Heat is on !!!

(But we don't mean it DX-wise). After several hours of overheating our cabin we are now in sauna-like conditions. For our numerous female viewers' pleasure we'll spend the rest of the evening on our underwears. For ultimate viewing pleasure please check our webcam.

CSI Lemmenjoki Report

Condition Scene Investigation team at Lemmenjoki informs that after a lowsy DX night (even though the NA seemed to be VERY promising in the beginning) there was a huge pläjäys towards OH/PA. Many "usual suspects" on the dial were replaced by better stations like WSAI, WARF, WING, WMRN, WSTV, WTIV, WEAE, WJAS, WEAV, KIUL, etc. The afternoon session will start soon, hopefully the mob signals of WA-OR won't kill the innocent dial again.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

African Radio Experience

Last night at 22:31 UTC Radio Gotel played Finnish music ("Väinö" performed by J.Karjalainen). One of our team members had earlier succeeded in getting contact with this station - local post officer in Yola happened to know one DJ at the station and forwarded the letter & CD to him. He was in duty last night but unfortunately the reception conditions were very poor at that time and it was extremely difficult to dig out the melody of the song, only some pieces of audio every now and then. But there it was --- what a cool radio experience !

Still exhausted --- But money back !?

This day was not as good as expected. Early start for NA but nothing especially groovy. Later the keywords were Mexico, Midwest and Graveyards. KBMW, KDMO, WREY, WEBC, KTEL, KSBN, KGNW, KDBM, KRPL. EWTN 1400 a moment ago must be KIHH. Lots of common GY-stuff. Promising signals from OC in the afternoon. Right now Fiji comes in like a local (13:55 UTC).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

LURX schedule update - upcoming events

* "Quinn-Brando" competition has been canceled due to too good cx.
* Rehearsals for the great "Baden-Baden Race" have already been started.
* Bottles of Vichy water have been purchased for the upcoming "Deep Burple Contest".

Distinguished Finnish DX Authority has promised us the best cx ever for the next week thus several modifications have been made for LEM QTH. For example one room inside is now reserved for fast toilet service to improve DXing efficiency.

Exhausted, part II

After enjoying incredible sunset cx to Iran we had some X-Aussies in the evening. After a good four hours sleep continuous monitoring from 23 UTC. At night we had to rent a K-KAR and drive pilluralli around Nebraska and neighborhood: Lincoln, Beatrice, North Platte, Spencer etc. It was OK even though we really had wanted to have a W-WAUNU but didn't find a dealer. Good DX whole day long, including NE-KS-SD-CO-WY-OR. Unfortunately we were not able to skip our pre-planned trip to Inari so we probably missed some goodies. KLIN, KWBE, KICD, KPOW, KTOQ, KNSS, KSID, KLAD, KVOW, KOOQ, KSOO, KVTK, KUGN. Added with some 500 more after all the recordings have been listened (the full list will appear in the 3rd quarter of 2010, maybe).

Friday, October 17, 2008

Exhausted !

Continuous monitoring from 00 UTC. Nice Great Lakes DX in the beginning but we decided to buy a Cadillac with 1370 USD and drive more west. Cruisin' whole day long around all the Western states including the Axis of Evil (=WA-OR) even though we all are fed up with those stations. Some on-the-fly picks: WLJW, KUBC, KNRS, KGYN, KWSU, KPAM, KBZZ, KIML, KBLE, KWTL, KUTR, KBBO, KSYC, KMPC, KXPA. Also some cross-border fun with XEKT.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Power struggle within LURX

We started to argue who's the Ace of the Aces in our team over here and decided to solve the problem using the classic "Quinn-Brando Method". If there'll be no good cx tomorrow we'll drive up to the Lemmenjoki River and figure out who's who.

Ain't bad - but could be easier

OOB(ie Doobie) Aussies and some 151 most common Chinese, Pilipinos and Vietnamese in the evening followed by lowsy night --- and then in the morning all the gates were wide open from ARG to West Coast NA. This type of cx always sounds better than it actually is: so hard to find anything interesting. Mostly familiar West Coast stations. Some picks: KANN, KENT, WILS, KBAR. We are still waiting for the good cx, some real mälli/pläjäys.

You can't always make it to the toilet

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ain't easy - but could be worse

Three discrete openings, 1-2 hours each. The following list contains just the peak of the iceberg: ((NIGHT)) Some CA, KHRT --- ((SUNRISE)) KHAT, KOVE, KSFB, KNFL, KLGN, KUIK, KKTL --- ((AFTERNOON)) KXRO, KBKW, CHQB.

LEM antennas and situation at 05 UTC

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Goodies from Iberia

Heard this morning by our Iberia specialist ReNE Mäkikangas: RNE-1 Toledo 693 & RNE-5 Murcia 567 & RNE-5 Almeria/Huelva. ---- Booming signals from Japan one hour ago.

Let there be light. Let there be DX.

The K-index value was getting lower so the cx recovery process was in the full swing. Some common AK & AF in the evening, nothing special at night. But then came the light (sunrise) and brought the DX as well: nice ECNA opening with stations like WNBH, WLOB, WKBK, WXBR, WPLM, WRHC, WENJ, WBAE and many more still waiting in the disks (the amount of work will be huge). "The Butcher of Veikkola" surprised our small community with RNE-1 Cabra 972. Later on the condition peak moved more west (KFNW, KVXR, KWIK, KZIZ). Finally some after-ski findings from Day 1: AIR Avadi 1395 & Port Blair 684.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Going gets tough

Cx still poor due to the recent storm. Some NIG's noted at night (R Gotel, Yola 917 and BCOS Orita-Basorun 756). Poor NA strengths at sunrise, KAYS Hays KS stays as the best live catch. Couple of ID's found from yesterday's recordings, such as KAPL 1300.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

African night with some NA

Geomagnetic storm hit and the results were obvious: many Sub-Saharan countries were logged on MW including Benin (1566), Djibouti (1116), Botswana (909), Lesotho (1197), Mozambique (1260) and some UNIDs. After 00 UTC NA surprisingly opened for a while with stations from CO (KFKA, KGRE), ND (KHND), ID (KIOV) and OR (KFLS) among others. But that's it, everything faded away before sunrise.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

LEM264 in action

Radio Rossii and RSt. Mayak already logged - YESSSS ! Also some common AF's noted. FYI: We'll occasionally upload webcam pictures to

Gentlemen - Start your engines !

We arrived at 12 UTC with mighty high hopes but soon noticed the raw truth: poor cx and most of the active splitter boxes were damaged. Sigh... So we decided to pack things and get back home... Nope, but lots of work ahead before the hunt can start.

Friday, October 10, 2008

LURX on the Road

The Great AM Adventure will start today. The car will be loaded with tons of radio equipment and other hardware. Our train from Helsinki to Kolari will leave at 9:30pm. ((( Let the madness begin )))